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1.Part of Speech

When we want to learn any language, we need to learn the grammar of that language, whatever words/sentences we speak, they are called a speech. Now it becomes necessary to know hoe speech is composed. What are the contents of speech? What are the parts of speech? It is primary necessity to know about parts of speech and learn their role in sentence and speech making.
          definition: speech consists of sentences and sentence are composed of words.we can divide words into different classes which are called parts of speech according to their use
            there are eight parts of speech. They are as follow:
A noun is the name of a person, or place or a thing. It represents the name of some person, place, animal, quality, thing, state or action.
For example, boy, ram, sun, pawansingh, dog, delhi, etc.
Kinds of noun
     There are five kinds of nouns. They are as follows.
1.           Common Noun
2.           Proper Noun
3.Collective Noun
4. Material Noun
5.Abstract Noun
Now we will discuss all five kinds of noun one by one.
1.  Common Noun:-A common Noun is the noun shared in common by every person or think of the same kind or class.
Example: Boy, girl, book, city, table etc
2.  Proper Noun: A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing.
Example:-Ram, Kanpur Delhi, Sunday, Monday etc.
3.  Collective Noun: A Collective Noun is the name of a member or collection of person or things of the same kind taken together as one whole.
   Example: army, crowd, class hand etc.
4.  Material Noun: A material noun is the name of the matter or substance of which the things are made.
Example: gold, silver, iron, milk, water etc.
5.  Abstract Noun: An abstract noun is the thing or quality which we only feel. These nouns cannot be nor be touched physically.
     Example: honesty, kindness, truth, courage,      sleep, anger joy fear, etc.


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